p h o t o g r a p h y
Travel - Our World
Beauty, Joy, Tragedy, Dispare, Hope, Peace, War, Humour, Laughter, Tears, Pain, Love...
During the 25 years under Indonesian occupation, Timor-Leste lost one quarter of it's population. Today the young nation struggles amist poverty and scarce human capital, but with peace, they have hope.
The people are hospitable, friendly and have a wonderful sense of humour while the countriside is an ecotourism Mecca.
Southern Sudan
A nation that pulls on the heart strings of all who stop and spend some time with its resilient people and rugged landscape. Life is seemingly so simple and yet so complex as its people are exploited, forced from their homes by those greedy for what lies under its rugged earth.
I have laughed and cried with the people and left a changed person after my experience there. Having had my camera stolen before arriving these pictures were taken with a little point and shoot film camera I received from a friend during the week before I left.
Turkmenistan was at the crossroads of civilisation for centuries. The silk road threaded thru its landscape, with remnants of times past in the ruins of forts and palaces dating back to 400B.C.
The nation has a legacy of widespread corruption under a dictatorship government. Despite having some of the worlds largest reserves of natural gas and oil much of its populationo of 5 million still live in abject poverty. Yet human resilience ensures smiles, laughter and humour remain.